Wish List
Feral Cat FOCUS Inc. is 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deductible.
We welcome the items listed below purchased locally and delivered to us. We also put our Wish List on Amazon to make purchasing easy and convenient (see link to our Amazon Wish List below).
Feral Cat FOCUS is an all volunteer organization. Our mission is to help subsidize TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return). We rely on monetary donations to help us subsidize spays, neuters, and vaccinations of feral/free roaming cats through TNVR – the humane and effective approach to addressing feral/free roaming cat populations. TNVR improves the lives of cats and stops the breeding cycle. Feral and free-roaming cats who only know the outdoor life shouldn’t be forgotten. Your donation will help us to continue our mission to help the cats of Western New York.
You can make a secure online credit card donation at DONATE or you can mail your donation to: FERAL CAT FOCUS – P.O. Box 404 – East Aurora, NY 14052

Every cat deserves a healthy and nutritious diet – including feral and free roaming cats. Our feral colony caregivers care for and feed colonies with multiple cats. Feeding so many cats gets expensive. When we receive donations of food we are able to assist caregivers in their tireless efforts feeding feral/free-roaming cats. We share food donations with our registered caregivers (the feral cats in their colonies are spayed/neutered and vaccinated).
We appreciate donations of any brand of good quality dry or canned food. These are a few examples of food we often use (but any good quality food is welcome):
• Purina Cat Chow Complete Dry Cat Food – 15 lb. bag
• Purina Kitten Chow Dry Cat Food -14 lb. bag
• Purina Friskies Wet (Canned) Food – 5.5 oz
• Human Baby Food (for sick feral cats) – Chicken, Turkey or Ham
Call us at 1-888-902-9717 (toll free) or email info@two.feralcatfocus.org to arrange a drop off location and time.
We use sheets to make trap covers for our humane TNVR traps. The covers help calm trapped cats and makes their journeys to the spay/neuter clinic and back to their outdoor homes less stressful. We gladly accept new sheets or used sheets (used sheets MUST be washed before donating). Call us at 1-888-902-9717 (toll free) or email info@two.feralcatfocus.org to arrange a drop off location and time.
When you order an e-Gift Card at www.chewy.com enter the “Email Delivery Details” as follows:
- TO: edie@feralacatfocus.org
- FROM: smithj@gmail.com (john smith)*
*Enter “FROM” as shown above (email address / your name). Chewy does not send us your email address (just your name) so be sure to include your email so we can thank you for your donation.