Colony Management – Caring for Your Colony

Colony Management – Caring for Your Colony Proper management of a feral/free-roaming cat colony is a long term, year round responsibility and should not be undertaken lightly. If you cannot commit to proper care and long-term management, do not put food out for any...

Spay/Neuter General Information

Spay/Neuter General Information WHAT DO SPAY AND NEUTER MEAN? SPAY/NEUTER SURGERY APPOINTMENTS HUMANE TRAPS LEFT EAR TIP PROGRAMS AND SERVICES WHAT DO SPAY AND NEUTER MEAN? Female cats are spayed by removing their reproductive organs. Male cats are neutered by...

Feral Cat Stories


Feral Cat Stories 3

In this fascinating collection of true feral cat stories, local Western New York author Susan Sellingsloh captures the struggles, challenges, and joys of the people who discover the cats and decide to help.

This beautifully illustrated book will entertain you and inspire you.

All 23 stories happen in Western New York, an area that includes Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The stories show how Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) not only stops the cycle of unwanted reproduction but gives the cats and their caregivers the transition from rescue to love.

Books can be purchased at:

– Tabbytown in McKinley Mall (near entrance to Sears)
– Talking Leave Books, 951Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo NY

Colony Management – Shelter

Colony Management – Shelter Scroll down the page or click on a topic for links to helpful information. Ferals Need Shelter Bedding Size Maintenance Doorway Protection from the Elements Camouflage Deter Wildlife Roughneck Homes FERALS NEED SHELTER Feral cats are at...